Working with datasets

Listing datasets

It is possible to list all datasets in a directory or in a S3 bucket using the dtool ls command.

$ dtool ls ~/my_datasets


When using this command proto datasets are highlighted in red.


The dtool ls command takes a URI. As such it can be used to list the datasets in remote storage locations. The example below lists all the datasets in the S3 bucket named dtool-demo:

$ dtool ls s3://dtool-demo/

Generating an inventory of datasets

It is possible to generate CSV/TSV/HTML inventories of datasets in a directory or in another base URI such as an Amazon S3 bucket. For example, the command below is used to generate a HTML report of all the datasets in the s3://dtool-demo/ bucket.

$ dtool inventory --format html s3://dtool-demo/ > inventory.html

Verifying a dataset has not been modified since freezing it

A dtool dataset has metadata listing its items and their hashes. This information can be used to verify that a dataset is in the same state as it was when it was frozen.

In the example below the dataset has been corrupted in three ways.

  1. The file rna_seq_reads_4.fq.gz has been added to it
  2. The file rna_seq_reads_3.fq.gz has been deleted from it
  3. The content of the file rna_seq_reads_1.fq.gz has been modified
$ dtool verify ~/my_datasets/my_rnaseq_data
Unknown item: 49919bdae83011b96bf54d984735e24c4419feb5 rna_seq_reads_4.fq.gz
Missing item: 72b24007759c0086a316d13838021c2571853a16 rna_seq_reads_3.fq.gz

By default only identifiers and file sizes are compared. To check file hashes make use of the --full option.

$ dtool verify --full ~/my_datasets/my_rnaseq_data
Unknown item: 49919bdae83011b96bf54d984735e24c4419feb5 rna_seq_reads_4.fq.gz
Missing item: 72b24007759c0086a316d13838021c2571853a16 rna_seq_reads_3.fq.gz
Altered item: d4e065787eab480e9cbd2bac6988bc7717464c83 rna_seq_reads_1.fq.gz

Displaying the README descriptive metadata

To display the README metadata used to describe the dataset one can make use of the dtool readme show command.

$ dtool readme show ~/my_datasets/chrX-rna-seq
description: RNA-seq sample data
creation_date: 2017-11-20
ftp: ""
doi: "10.1038/nprot.2016.095"

Reporting summary information about a dataset

One often wants to find out how many items are in a dataset and what their total size is. This can be achieved using the dtool summary command.

$ dtool summary ~/my_datasets/drone-images
name: drone-images
uuid: c2542c2b-d149-4f73-84bc-741bf9af918f
creator_username: hartleym
number_of_items: 59
size: 152.5MiB
frozen_at: 2017-09-19

Listing the item identifiers in a dataset

To list all the item identifiers in a dataset one can use the dtool identifiers command.

$ dtool identifiers ~/my_datasets/my_rnaseq_data


Using dtool ls on a dataset URI results in a list of item identifiers and relapths:

$ dtool ls ~/my_datasets/my_rnaseq_data
b0f92a668d24a3015692b0869e2b7590a62a380c - rna_seq_reads_2.fq.gz
72b24007759c0086a316d13838021c2571853a16 - rna_seq_reads_3.fq.gz
d4e065787eab480e9cbd2bac6988bc7717464c83 - rna_seq_reads_1.fq.gz

Finding out the size of an item in a dataset

To find the size of a specific item in a dataset one can use the dtool item properties command. The command below accesses the properties of the item with the identifier 58f50508c42a56919376132e36b693e9815dbd0c.

$ dtool item properties ~/my_datasets/drone-images 58f50508c42a56919376132e36b693e9815dbd0c
  "relpath": "IMG_8585.JPG",
  "size_in_bytes": 2716446,
  "utc_timestamp": 1505818439.0,
  "hash": "dbcb0d6f22ec660fa4ac33b3d74556f3"

Accessing the content of an item in a dataset

When all files are on local disk getting access to them is trivial. However, when files are located in some object storage system in the cloud, access may be less trivial.

dtool solves this problem by providing a call to a method that returns an absolute path on local disk with a promise that the file requested will be available from there when the call returns the path.

The dtool command line interface makes this call available as the command dtool item fetch.

Below is an example of this command being used on a local disk file storage.

$ dtool item fetch ~/my_datasets/drone-images 58f50508c42a56919376132e36b693e9815dbd0c

Below is an example of this command being used on a dataset in the S3 bucket dtool-demo.

$ dtool item fetch s3://dtool-demo/1e47c076-2eb0-43b2-b219-fc7d419f1f16 3dce23b901709a24cfbb974b70c1ef132af10a67

Processing all the items in a dataset

By combining the use of dtool identifiers and dtool item fetch it is possible to create basic Bash scripts to process all the items in a dataset.

$ DS_URI=~/my_datasets/my_rnaseq_data
$ for ITEM_ID in `dtool identifiers $DS_URI`;
> do ITEM_FPATH=`dtool item fetch $DS_URI $ITEM_ID`;
> echo $ITEM_FPATH;
> done